Open Records

Open Records
For a complete copy of the Kansas Open Records Act, contact the County Clerk (Gray County Freedom of Information Officer) or go to The Kansas Open Records Act starts at K.S.A. 45-215. The Kansas Open Records Act authorizes public agencies to charge fees for providing access to or furnishing copies of public records

How to Request a Record

  1. Check with the Records Information Management or Local Freedom of Information Officer to determine whether the information you need is available.
  2. You may be asked to submit your request for information in writing on the request form provided by this office.
  3. Most records will be produced within three business days from the time the request is received. If the request is denied, you will receive a written explanation for the denial.

Exceptions – The Kansas Open Records Act recognizes that some records contain information, which is private in nature. For this reason, the Act lists a number of exceptions, which are found in K.S.A. 45-221.
Records which are closed for this reason may include:

  1. Personnel information of public employees 
  2. Medical treatment records
  3. Records which are protected by the attorney-client privilege or the rules of evidence
  4. Records containing personal information compiled for Census purposes
  5. Notes and preliminary drafts
  6. Records that are closed pursuant to Kansas or Federal Law


Certified Copy - Birth Certificate

Certified Copy - Death Certificate